
About Jacki Grace:
Jacki Grace is here to help you take control of your thoughts!! When coaching with Jacki, her clients experience a definite shift in their thinking, that uncovers potential they didn’t realize was there. The Shift shows up in their lives as passion, purpose and unstoppable momentum.
With almost 1,000 hours of coaching behind her, she is sure that shift can happen for YOU. It will not only be fun and exciting for the client, but also for the people that they influence. Now is the time for YOUR shift!
Mind Your Business
Bridging the gap between your thoughts and your business.
I specialize in helping entrepreneurs reframe their thoughts so they can over come challenges, embrace opportunities and create success foe their business.
Jacki is a thought strategist who works with overthinkers, guide them as they navigate thorough the maze of the thoughts, finding clarity in the chaos. They in turn will be come empowered to make overthinking a strength while developing self-compassion and turn anxiety into resilience. When are ready to tap into their full potential Jacki can show them how.
Reinvent You/Transitions
This isn’t an ordinary coaching experience. We will go deep into understanding what makes you, you and how that plays out in every area of your life. Are you ready to make a change?
Personal Development
Unleash your soul and find Your why.
If you're feeling any of these, We need to talk....
* Overwhelmed, stressed, and like you can never do enough
* Dissatisfied with yourself and your life
* Like you are not enough
* Unclear about who you are and if you have anything to offer
* Disconnected from the important people in your life
* Not sure what you want to do with your life
I Can Help You
30 min
Free1 hr
1 hr